Sunday, 11 March 2012

From Pain to Peace

Through Reign Check Relections I aim to bare my soul and be open about my life.  My heart is that people may hear my testimony, be inspired and given hope.  I hope and pray that each reflection will allow the reader to be one story nearer to understanding Jesus. 

What I am about to share is information that I would not usually disclose and especially not in a public domain.  However, I have decided to wear my heart on my sleeve unreservedly.  

It has dawned on that in my lifetime I have been used and abused mentally, physically and sexually; bullied, threatened, put down; punched, kicked, bitten; quite literally ragged around like a rag doll; had a dog set upon me, spat on; my hair torn out by the roots, cheated on, undermined and on many occasions treated like the lowest of the low...

Yet since Jesus came in to my life my heart feels full of compassion, forgiveness, peace, hope and thankfulness..?

At my lowest point I cried out "God if you are real, I really could do with some help here!" Battered and bruised, inside and out, I started to notice a change.  A change that would change not only my feelings but my life.  The more I prayed, the stronger the feeling became. The more I prayed the more my life changed. 

I gave my life to Jesus Christ.  I gave Him my all and my everything.  Now my No1 goal in life is to tell others of His saving grace and help those who are suffering.

The love that I feel is no ordinary love.  It is unconditional. It is way beyond my own ability to love.  My own human emotions should undoubtedly be full of bitterness, anger, hate and revenge.  Yet I don't feel any of these.  Of course I have my moments (I am a woman after all!) but I can hand on heart say that something incredibly amazing has happened within me. 

My heart is bursting with compassion, the compassion of Jesus Christ.

Check ~ "Jesus Reigns!"

Ruth Anne

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