Thursday 24 May 2012

Beat the Bullies ~ Let Your Beauty Shine

    Are you being bullied or have you experienced bullying in the past? Bullying can rear its ugly head in many different forms.  Mental abuse such as being put down, isolated and discriminated against can often be just as hurtful as physical abuse. 
    Physical abuse such as being beaten up in the school yard, taking the odd punch or kick for the sake of someone else’s entertainment, domestic violence and sexual abuse are all criminal offences. 
    If you are going through any of these things   or anything other where you feel violated, don’t suffer in silence.  Tell somebody close to you. If it’s at school tell a teacher. 

    If you’re going through domestic violence there is support out there for you.  Go to your doctor and they will put you in touch with the right people. 
    I have been there. It took a lot to make that step but it was the beginning of a complete turn around in my life's circumstances.

    The thing that has most got me through years of abuse in different forms is prayer.  God is interested in every detail of your life and wants to help you.  All you have to do is ask and He will help YOU get through and turn YOUR circumstances around for the better.

     Check ~ Jesus Reigns

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